VHF Repeater

W4OIX Repeater
The Kinston Amateur Radio Society repeater licensed as W4OIX is located at the Kinston Hospital. Coordinated with the Southeastern
Repeater Association, the repeater operates on a frequency of 145.47mhz with an ERP of 80 watts from a omni-directional antenna at 180 feet above ground.
The input frequency is 144.87mhz with a CTCSS code of 88.5.
The repeater uses wideband Fm (25Khz) (16K0F3E) and serves the counties of Lenoir, Jones, Pitt, Green, Wayne, Duplin, and Craven.
The repeater also has a specialized weather receiver enabling it to respond with weather bulletins as provided by the National Weather Service. FCC Part 97.113.e